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The WAV is a snippit from "Cheeseburger in Paradise" by Jimmy Buffet. The gold piece to the left will pay for a copy. It is 95 kB in size.     An uncorrupted (without my additions) version of Hot Legs (song from the front door) can be gotten from the Wav pages. Be careful, its long (611 kB).
These pages have been enhanced using Java & JavaScript. See if you can find the hidden surprises.

Welcome friend! Come fill your tumbler.


have an ale,
if your liking be

That's me over there to the left. If I look a little fuzzy, don't worry, its not your eyes. Its me. I tried to find a picture of me schussing down the Alps or skydiving, but was unsuccessful. Perhaps the chances would have been better if I had actually done those things.

I know, your thinking that "at his advanced years, where`s the surprise." However, in truth, I`m probably more likely to try them now :-).
In the future, I may include some other pictures here.

This is my favorite section.
Its the place I get to talk about me.

(Remember, I`m watching if you skip it.)

I`m an EMT and a Physicist. Normal combination, right. I know your waiting with baited breath to hear about both. But, you`ve got to pick one on the symbols to click on. Reguardless of what this is doing to your heart rate, you can`t do both at the same time.

Right now I'm playing with my latest set of toys - the Net, an HTML editor, and an IRC program. I just watched the movie, "The Net" and figure if I do all of those things, Sandra Bullock will call. Quoting my favorite TV series, that would be a constitute a miracle of truly biblical proportions. On the IRC, my nickname is "SleepyCP." Sometimes I even talk { ;-) }. Click on my wonderful yellow visage and visit my "Dwarfs on Parade" page.

I was looking for a wav of "The Orange and the Green" to introduce my background but havent found any good ones. In any case I`m part Swedish, part Scots and part Irish. The Irish part gave me my music appreciation gene (go see my wav pages). Unfortunately, I recieved my singing gene from my Swedish father. Actually, he gave me a lot of other things also. If your interested, the love knot will lead you to some. I almost forgot to add this. I once heard Gunnar Nelson (one of Ricky`s sons) dicuss the origin of his name on the Tonight show. He said that he was named after, his grandfather`s (Ozzie Nelson) best friend in High School. Well, that was my dad. I think I have a pretty neat family. Stop in and meet some of them.

Almost at the end. Wondering what you may have missed. Well you never know. I bet you think that clover over there is only a poor old 3 leaf kind. Well, why don`t you look a little closer. It may surprise you. In addition to its magical transformation qualities, it is a sort of genie. Click on it and see.

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(Links checked on 11/10/97.)


Some hints :-) for the surprises: Click on the coin at the top to replay the wav;
Click on the coin and "save the link as" to d/l the wav;
Lay the mouse pointer over the leprechaun for the name of the artist;
Lay the mouse pointer over the words "Horror Scope" to find out yours (it changes folks);
Click on my picture if your a masochist; and
Lay the mouse pointer over the 3 leaf clover to see it change.