This page has been accessed times. Frame Busters Anonymous!

Are your IRC friends real?
Our`s are!

For what this house affords us,
Come, praise the brewer most -
Who caught into a bottle
The barley`s gentle ghost.

"Grace Before Beer, F.R. Higgins




Motor City Meeting
{A menage of (a large number).}
{Film at 11.}

Motor City II
{Sorry, no pics. I wonder!!}

The GREAT Texas Fish Caper
August 97
Mark - Steve - David

The Charm Las Vegas
Bash Pics!!!
{Guess they weren't held as evidence.}

Visit with us on the Friends Page.
Contact SleepyCP to add or modify entries.

Check out the Friend`s Web Ring.

The Dwarf`s philosophy page.
{Moi, of course}

The Wav page.
{Almost 800 right now.}

The Year 2000 Problem.
A brief discourse on the Y2K problem.

Scripts and other IRC things.
Did you know that mIRC now allows you to build
an INTERNAL wav loder?

The IRC connection page.
{Links to more of our friends.}

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This Friends & Companions Webring site is tended by the
Charm and Oz Channel Regulars.

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Toymaker Award


Main Page & Home Pages
| Index | Cognitive Portals |
| Carl`s Front Door | Main Page | Work | Resume | Publications | Dwarf | Heritage | Links |
| Kevin`s Front Door | Main Page | Resume | Art Work | Poetry | Eagle|

IRC Pages
| IRC Friends | IRC Picture List | Mich. Meeting | LasVegas Bash | Texas Fish Caper |
| Bot Pictures | Picture Page 1 | Picture Page 2 | Picture Page 3 |

Programming &Scripts
| Main Page | Java | C++(not yet active) | HTML/DHTML |
Java Script | mIRC / LittleStar | IRCLE | Shadowbot | Apple |

Audio Files
| Wav Main Page | Love | Oldies | Rock & Roll | Country | Easy | Other | Midis | Jazz | Irish | Special |
| Bot Lines | Halloween | Christmas | Birthday | Lines | Movie | TV | People | Cartoons | Sounds |
