<BGSOUND SRC="zipadee.mid" LLOP="infinite">
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D w a r f s O n P a r a d e

Hi there folks! Right now I`m . Of course, if you reload the page, I may change. Then again, who knows? Its fun having all these personalities. Besides, there`s no telling what mood Snow will ever be in.

Normally my nick is "SleepyCP". There are a number of sources for it. It sort of came about between the Rescue Squad and the company I used to work for. The company was the Grumman Aerospace Princeton office with the domain name of "GrumP.com". While there, I named my machines "CarlIsA" (the Mac) and "CarlIsNotA" (the PC). The Squad story is for another place `nother time. As dwarfs go, I guess I`m sort of a giant one being over 6 feet. But, in this case, being a dwarf is a state of mind.

The nick is mostly used chattin on on IRC and other programs. (Yeah, those places that have been getting that awful press.) Are they real life? Sure; once you realize that real life is simply wherever you are, they must be real life. Remember the old malt shops, CYO dances, neighborhood bars, disco clubs, and the like? Were they real life? Same answer.

In the same way that downtown has been replaced by malls, Chat programs and channels have, in many respects, become the social gathering places, "halls" etc., of this generation and the audio file, its Juke-box. Although I seem to have mostly migrated to the chat programs these days I still do use mIRC and look in those channels at times. When I do use the channels, I normally can be found on "#oH^No" on SandNet. I also still have friends on "#OZ" on Superlink or "#!!charm" on EFNet. If you have some time and are looking for pleasant conversation stop by (particularly "#!!charm") and meet my friends IRC Friends.

At this point I normally would be inviting you to look at my Wav or Script pages. Unfortunately, the laws seem to prohibit offering wav files these days. I say unfortunately since the wavs provided: music to hold hands to, dance to or just be nostoligic with; sounds to fit situations. The scripts provide: lines to flirt with; personalities; backgrounds for special occasions like birthdays; and god knows what else. Each provided a little of the sociability normally associated with past gathering places.

As I said above, these days I mainly play with ICQ program. It seems to combine most of the attributes of the IRC programs, with the ability to actually talk (telephone style); the ability to go net surfing with your on-line friends; the ability to page them on-line; to use a camera and actually see them; and quite a lot of other improvements. Try pageing me below.

Any suggestions?
E-mail me.

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IRC Pages & Scripts
| IRC Friends | IRC Pics | Mich. Meeting | Texas Fish Caper | Scripts |

Audio Files
| Wav Main Page | Love | Oldies | Rock & Roll | Country | Easy | Other Music | Midis |
| Bot Lines | Horror | Lines | Movie | TV | People | Cartoons | Special | Sounds |

(Links last checked on 1/16/2005.)

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