"Use of the Accelerator Systems Model (ASM) Code in LINAC Optimization Studies";
C.C. Paulson, S.L. Mendelsohn, M.A. Peacock, D.H. Berwald, T.J. Meyers, C.M. Piaszczyk,
G.H. Gillespie, B.W. Hill, M. Lampel; to appear in the Proceedings of the 1997 ANS
Winter Meeting, Albuquerque, NM; Nov. 1997
"Parametric Study of Emerging High Power Accelerator Applications Using Accelerator
Systems Model (ASM)"; D. H. Berwald, S. Mendelsohn, C. C. Paulson, et. al.; to appear
in the Proceedings of the 1996 Linac Conference, Geneva Sw.; Aug. 1996;
to appear
in the Proceedings of the 1997 ANS Winter Meeting, Albuquerque NM; Nov. 1997
"Review of Accelerator Conceptual Design for the International Fusion Materials
Irradiation Facility (IFMIF)"; D. Berwald, J. Rathke, D. Bruhweiler, S. Mendelsohn,
T. Meyers, C. Paulson, M. Peacock, C Piaszczyk, E. Piechowiak, R.A. Jameson (LANL);
IFMIF Technical Status Report IFMIF-95-021;
to appear in the Proceedings,
Twelth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Controlled Fusion (ANS); Reno Nv.;
June 1996
"Recent Developments in the Accelerator Systems Model (ASM) Code"; G. H. Gillespie,
C. C. Paulson, et. al.; to appear in the Proceedings of the 1996 Computational Accelerator
Physics Conference, Williamsburg Va.; Sep. 24-27, 1996
"International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) Accelerator Design Studies";
J. Rathke, C. C. Paulson, et. al.; Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, LA-UR-95-4416,
81-114; Sep. 1995
"International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) Accelerator Trade Studies";
D. Berwald, C. C. Paulson, et. al.; Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, LA-UR-95-4416,
149-242; Sep. 1995
"Accelerator Systems Model (ASM): A Unique Tool in Exploring Accelerator Driven Transmutation
Technologies (ADTT) System Trade Space"; T.J. Myers, C.C. Paulson, et. al.; Proceedings of the
Second International Conference on Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technologies and Applications;
Kalmar Sweden; June 1996
"Accelerator Systems Optimizing Code"; C. Paulson, et. al.; Proceedings of the
1995 Particle Accelerator Conference, Dallas Tx. - IEEE 95CH35843, 2,
1164 - 1166; May 1995
Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, LA-UR-95-4416, 115-148; Sep. 1995
"A Beamline Systems Model for Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology (ADTT) Facility";
A. Todd, M. Reusch, C. Paulson, M Peacock; Proceedings (AIP 346) of the 1994 International Conference
on Accelerator Driven Transmutation Technology and Applications, Las Vegas, Nevada; July 1994;
"The Double Eagle Space Experiment (DESE) Beamline Design"; A. Todd, et. al.;Proceedings
of the 1994 International LINAC Conference, Tsukuba Japan; Aug. 1994; 163-165
"The Neutral Particle Beam Space Experiment (NPBSE) Accelerator Design"; C. Paulson, A. Todd,
S. Mendelsohn; May 1993; Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington
D.C.; 1774-1776
"The Continuous Wave Deuterium Demonstrator (CWDD) Design and Status"; A. Todd et. al.; May
1993; Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington D.C.; 1777-1779
"The 3, 5, 14, and 24 MeV NPBSE Accelerator Designs"; C.C. Paulson, A.M.M. Todd,
T. Bhatia, and S.L. Mendelsohn; April 1992; Proceedings of the Fourth Neutral Particle Beam
Technical Symposium; ANL, Chicago, Ill.; (1992) II-1
"SSRT Beamline Concepts"; A.M.M. Todd, D.L. Bruhwiler, C.C. Paulson, C. Piaszczyk,
and M.F. Reusch; April 1992; Proceedings of the Fourth Neutral Particle Beam Technical Symposium
; ANL, Chicago, Ill.; (1992) III-55
"The 5 MeV NPBSE (Option II) Physics Design"; A.M.M. Todd, D.L. Bruhwiler, S.L. Mendelsohn,
C.C. Paulson, and M.F. Reusch; April 1992; Proceedings of the Fourth Neutral Particle Beam Technical
Symposium; ANL, Chicago, Ill.; (1992) III-61
"NPB Platform Modeling with POPSOC"; M. Peacock, et. al.; April 1992; Presented at
the Fourth Neutral Particle Beam Technical Symposium; ANL, Chicago, Ill.
"Design of a High Current Proton Accelerator"; A.M.M. Todd, C.C. Paulson, J.W. Rathke, M.F.
Reusch, O.A. Anderson, K.-N. Leung; Nov. 1991; Proceedings of the First International Symposium on
Explosive Detection Technology; Atlantic City, NJ; (1992) 184
"Beam Dynamics of Multi-Tank DTL and CCL Designs"; C.C. Paulson, A.M.M. Todd, S.M. Mendelsohn;
May 1991; Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference; San Francisco, Ca.;
91CH3038-7 Vol. 1, 395-397
"Numerical Study of the effect of Focusing Conditions on DTL Beam Dynamics"; C. C. Paulson,
A.M.M. Todd, S. L. Mendelsohn, and M. F. Reusch; April 1991; Proceedings of the Third Neutral Particle
Beam Technical Symposium; NIST, Boulder, Co.; (1991) VI-9
"The Neutral Particle Beam Space Experiment Accelerator Design and Beam Dynamics"; C. C. Paulson,
T. Bhatia, A.M.M. Todd, and S. L. Mendelsohn; April 1991; Proceedings of the Third Neutral Particle
Beam Technical Symposium; NIST, Boulder, Co.; (1991) V-69
"The NPBSE Beamline Physics Design"; A.M.M. Todd, T. Bhatia, D. Dobrott, A Jason, T. Mottershed,
C.C. Paulson, and R. Shafer; April 1991; Proceedings of the Third Neutral Particle Beam Technical Symposium
; NIST, Boulder, Co.; (1991) XI-11
"Overview and Performance of an NPB Modeling Code"; M. Peacock, D. Berwald, I. Birmbaum, T.
Schulteiss, C. Piaszczyk, C.C. Paulson, and A.M.M. Todd; March 1991; Proceedings of the Third Neutral
Particle Beam Technical Symposium; NIST, Boulder, Co.; (1991) II-9
"Effect of Tank Sequencing on CCL Accelerators"; C.C. Paulson, R.A. Hartley; Sep. 1990;
Proceedings of the 1990 Linear Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM; LA-12004-C, 321-325.
"RFQ and CCL Beam Dynamics"; C.C. Paulson, S.L. Mendelsohn, M.F. Reusch, A.M.M. Todd; April
1990; American Physical Society Annual Meeting; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.- Vol. 35, No. 4, 1048.
"CCL Beam Dynamics Calculations with Application to ACDTI"; C.C. Paulson, S.L. Mendelsohn,
A.M.M. Todd; May 1990; Proceedings of the Second Neutral Particle Beam Technical Symposium,
Vol 2, (1990) 403-410; NOSC, San Diego, Ca.
"Beam Dynamics Tolerance Studies and Commissioning Analysis for the CWDD Device"; A.M.M.
Todd, M.F. Reusch, C.C. Paulson, and S.L. Mendelsohn; May 1990; Proceedings of the Second Neutral
Particle Beam Technical Symposium
, Vol 2, (1990) 356-364; NOSC, San Diego, Ca.
"Variable Beta Ramped Gradient Drift Tube LINAC Cold Model Tests"; S. Siddiqi, et. al.; May
1990; Proceedings of the Second Neutral Particle Beam Technical Symposium
, Vol 2, (1990) 259-267; NOSC, San Diego, Ca.
"NPB Accelerator Beam Dynamics"; C. Paulson, A. Todd, D. Berwald, S. Mendelsohn, M. Reusch;
July 1989; Proceedings of the 1st Neutral Particle Beam Technical Symposium, Vol. 1, (1990)
557-566; Naval PG-School, Monterey, Ca.
"Beam Dynamics Analysis for CWDD"; A. Todd, C. Paulson, S. Mendelsohn, M. Reusch, M. Nightingale;
July 1989; Proceedings of the 1st Neutral Particle Beam Technical Symposium, Vol. 1, (1990) 570-581;
Naval PG-School, Monterey, Ca.
"SRX - Precursor to Large Scale Beta Plasma Devices"; S. Mendelsohn, C. C. Paulson, A. M. M.
Todd;Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Buffalo NY, May 1989.
"Poloidal Field Coil Design Code"; C. Paulson, A. Todd;Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE
International Conference on Plasma Science, Vol 44; Seattle Washington, June 1988.
"Physics Aspects of the Compact Ignition Tokamak"; D. Post, et al; Physica Scripta,
Vol. T16, 89-106, 1987:
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Report, PPPL-2389, 1986
"Poloidal Field Coil Design for Known Plasma Equilibrium States"; C. Paulson, A. Todd, M. Reusch;
Proceedings of the Eleventh Symposium On FusionEngineering
, 73-80, Nov. 1985
"Plasma Inductance Calculations, Poloidal Coil System and Eddy Current Analysis for Non-Circular Cross
Section Tokamaks"; C. Paulson, A. Todd; Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on
Numerical Simulation of Plasmas
, 1985
"Eddy Current Analysis for Plasma Parameter Determination and Control in PBX"; C. Paulson, M.
Reusch, A. Todd, M.Okabayashi, E. Stauber; American Physical Society Annual Meeting, 1984, Bull. Am. Phys.
Soc.-29, 8, 1218
"Cost Benefit Analysis in Security System Design and Upgrade"; C. Paulson; ANS Transactions
1983, 45, 491-492
"Probabilistic Determination of Computer Password Vulnerability"; C. Paulson;
NUS Internal, 1983
"Zonal Security Methods for Strategic and Tactical Response Planning"; C. Paulson, F. Smith;
IEEE PAS-101, 9, 3232-3233, Sept. 1982
"Vital Area Penetration Significance"; A. Ugelow, C. Paulson, F. Smith; IEEE PAS-101,
9, 3226-3229, Sept. 1982
"Security Computer Systems"; C. Paulson, J. Ross; NUS Internal, 1982
"TFTR Energy Conversion System Simulation"; C. Paulson, F. Petree; Eighth Symposium on
Engineering Problems in Fusion Research, 803-806, 1980
"Computer Code for the Design and Simulation of Pulsed Electrical Systems in Fusion
Research"; G. Karady, C. Neumeyer, C. Paulson, R. Cassel; ANS Transactions, 67-69, 1978
"Superconducting Long Pulse Experiment"; D. Jassby, et al; IEEE Mag-15, No. 1,
847-850, Jan. 1979 ; Princeton Plasma Physics Report, PPPL-1500, 1978