A Potpourri of Concepts

Caught!, in the cameras eye,
Caught!, without an alibi,
A picture's worth a thousand words they say.

As with most of us these days, I enjoy TV. Probably a result of growing up listening to those old radio shows: Lone Ranger, The Shadow, Green Hornet, etc. {Hey, does anyone else remember Corlis Archer or did I just dream it.}

My favorite show is: Babylon-5.. Surprising, Huh!
X-Files runs a very close second. Did you X-philes see the roach walk across the TV screen in "War of the Copraphages". It was great. My son and I stared at the screen until it was completely across before we realized that it was on the other side.

In addition to the SF, I'm a nut for most of the British mystery shows: Mystery on PBS and A&Es Mystery Theater, etc.. I particularly like Inspector Morse.

A gaggle of links: Kevin's Korner. My son. He has some pretty good local skiing and music links.
Naples Florida. I used to live in West Hollywood and St. Petersburg Fla.. I'd love to move back to the west coast. Naples is one of the nice places.
Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco. The Boy Scout camp I went to as a kid.
The Pretenders. I particularly like "Brass in Pocket" {I'm Special}.
Grumman Aircraft: I will add a picture page in the future.
Space Pictures from NASA.
NASA - Marshall Space Flight Center.
The Prydonians of Princeton. The Princeton New Jersey Dr. Who fan club. (PS They also accept Star Trek · X-Files · Babylon 5 · Red Dwarf · Blakes 7 · Buffy the Vampire Slayer · Star Wars · etc. fans.)
BOFH. The Bastard Operator From Hell saga. Don't we all remember those days.
Aviation Pages. Index page from the FAA.
Inner Sanctum. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. mayby you would like the Billboard & Chat forums.
Rachel's Darker Side bookmarks.
Virtual Val`s :-) Try it, you`ll like it. (I loved it.)
Arthur's: A friend from work. Take a look. I think its good.
Brenda's Chamber: Visit often. A world of imagination is opening.
Janet's Window: I saved the best for last. If you like pretty, pert, friendly, cheerful, and a bit sassy ladies, check this one out.

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(Links checked on 11/10/97.)
