This page has been accessed times since Jan. 1, 1998.

................... ... WELCOME to
the Home page of

{These pages have been enhanced using Java & JavaScript.}
The Tardis ("Time and Relative Dimensions In Space"): A "dimensionally transcendental" (bigger on the inside than the outside) vehicle that allows Dr. Who access to all places and all times. A figment of someones imagination or a dimmly perceived alternate reality? Is there really any difference? Would it matter if there were?

Cognitive Portals is another vehicle of the mind. A gateway on the threshold of your preception. An entrance to a place where things normally - just thought - become realized. Take a stroll through its corridors. You never know what could be just arround the corner.

It is time to start the journey. Although it could, and probably should, take a lifetime, it isn`t really long. I would like to introduce myself as "Figment" but that name has already been taken by a purple dragon in Florida. So I guess i`ll have to use my other names: I`m SleepyCP or if you prefer, Carl .
You`ve only been here a short time. Have you been found the surprises that are built into the page? Did you lay your mouse over the 'TARDIS' or over the 'Banner Title'? Did you know those icons below on the left are buttons to other worlds?

Check them out, and when you are finished, please sign the guest book.
Welcome folks. Here is a short list of things that can be found here. Feel free to browse. For all you people who are like me, Ive tried to keep a contrast between background and writing to help stave of blindness.

HomePages: The home pages of some very interesting people (myself excluded). Take a look.

IRC_Friends: After a while you learn that what you really are is all the experiences and all the thoughts you've had and all the people who have touched your life, no matter how briefly. Vist this page and meet some charming people (and get the rest of the quote).
Audio Files: Here is a listing of the audio files I keep for use on IRC. If you want some - feel free to take them. There`s over 700 here so at least one will probably interest you. (For you parents, I try not to keep any, I would be embarrassed to have attributed to me.)
Programming: Ever feel like you were reinventing the wheel when you work on your pages. Here are some Java programs and PC (mIRC / Little Star), Mac (IRCLE & Apple), and Shadowbot scripts that may help. In the future C++ and other language programs will be offered
Explorers: I bet you never thought how much fun an Explorer Post can be. Post #3, in Plainsboro, does some really neat things. Here are some pictures from a recent Paintball outing they went on.
Merit Badge List: The Merit Badge Counselor list for the Mercer Area District of the George Washington Council is available for downloading here.

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Comments, Suggestions, Illuminating Observations?
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
or E-Mail me! .

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Main Page & Home Pages
| Index | Cognitive Portals | Awards |
| Carl`s Front Door | Main Page | Work | Resume | Publications | Dwarf | Heritage | Family Tree | Links |
| Kevin`s Front Door | Main Page | Resume | Art Work | Poetry | Eagle |

Programming &Scripts
| Main Page | Java | C++(not yet active) | HTML/DHTML |
| Java Script | mIRC / LittleStar | IRCLE | Shadowbot | Apple |

IRC Pages
| Friends Data Base Lookup | Friend`s Web Ring |
| IRC Friends | IRC Picture List | Mich. Meeting | Las Vegas Bash | Texas Fish Caper |
| Bot Pictures | Picture Page 1 | Picture Page 2 | Picture Page 3 |

Audio Files (All but the main page have been deactivated.)
| Wav Main Page | Love | Oldies | Rock & Roll | Country | Easy | Other | Midis | Jazz | Irish | Special |
| Bot Lines | Halloween | Christmas | Birthday | Lines | Movie | TV | People | Cartoons | Sounds |

| Main Page | Y2K Problem | Bell Inequality |
(Remainder not yet active)
| Energy | Speed of Light | The Red Schift | Dark Matter | Quarks |

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