BSA - Eagle Guidelines / Merit Badge Counselors
Mercer Area District
George Washington Council

The counselor lists were generated in Microsoft Excel 4. The application form is in Microsoft Word (2.x for Windows). Since Macs have no problem unzipping files (many shareware programs for both PCs (ex PKUNZIP.EXE) and Macs (ex ZipIt 1.3.5) can be obtained from C|Net), the files are only being presented here in zipped form. They have been d/l`ed, opened, and printed on a Macintosh Performa 600 and a Power Mac 7500/100, both running System 7.5.5, a Gateway 486-dx with Windows 3.1, and a Compaq Presario with Win95 with no problems in any case.

It has been over 2 years since the last Eagle Scout Workshop. Therefore, to help increase the understanding of the process in which a "Life Scout"successfully advances to the rank of Eagle, The GWC "Eagle Scout Advancement Policies and Procedures" have been scanned and are provided here. Both a zipped file for down-loading and an html file are provided.

Button Size

32.5 The standard Merit Badge listing sorted by badge name. (last updated 4/10/98)

15.8 The Merit Badge listing sorted by Counselor Name. (last updated 4/10/98)

13.8 A Merit Badge Counselor application form.

7.8 Eagle Scout Advancement Policies and Procedures (initial uploading 3/15/97)


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