A w a r d s

Patty's Place: Great Homepage Award
Great Homepage Award
given for generally great homepages by:
"Patty's Place."

Awarded to:
Carl's Cavern, &
Kevin's Korner.

Toymaker's Award
for Creative Design and Heart

Given to pages which exibited Heart and use Creativity in their design by the:

Awarded to:
IRC Friends.

Toymaker Award

Ravi's Pick: Elite Site Award
The award is for Web sites that are visually appealing, informative, and are unique. It recognizes sites which in Ravi's estimation stand out in both design and content. Given by "Ravi".

Awarded to:
Carl's Cavern, & Kevin's Korner.

Website Promotion Association Site Award
The WPA site award evaluates sites for: content, graphics, the purpose of the page, and the experience of the page writer.

Awarded to:
Carl's Cavern, & Kevin's Korner.

Great Music Site Award
Given to superior audio pages by:
ManiNut Music Mania

Awarded to:
Wavs Wavs Wavs Wavs.

Great Music Site Award

[ .Creative Web Designs. | .Free COOL Animation. ]
Cool Reality Award
This award is given to sites that have elegant graphics, content, and a cool sense of being about it.

Awarded to:
Carl's Cavern, &
Kevin's Korner.


Main Page & Home Pages
| Index | Cognitive Portals | Awards |
| Carl`s Front Door | Main Page | Work | Resume | Publications | Dwarf | Heritage | Family Tree | Links |
| Kevin`s Front Door | Main Page | Resume | Art Work | Poetry | Eagle |

Programming &Scripts
| Main Page | Java | C++(not yet active) | HTML/DHTML |
| Java Script | mIRC / LittleStar | IRCLE | Shadowbot | Apple |

IRC Pages
| Friends Data Base Lookup | Friend`s Web Ring |
| IRC Friends | IRC Picture List | Mich. Meeting | Las Vegas Bash | Texas Fish Caper |
| Bot Pictures | Picture Page 1 | Picture Page 2 | Picture Page 3 |

Audio Files (All but the main page have been deactivated.)
| Wav Main Page | Love | Oldies | Rock & Roll | Country | Easy | Other | Midis | Jazz | Irish | Special |
| Bot Lines | Halloween | Christmas | Birthday | Lines | Movie | TV | People | Cartoons | Sounds |

| Main Page | Y2K Problem | Bell Inequality |
(Remainder not yet active)
| Energy | Speed of Light | The Red Schift | Dark Matter | Quarks |
