Friends & Companions
WebRing - Rules

The guidelines listed on this page should be considered as the minmimal
set for inclusion of a site into the or the maintaining of a site on the
Friends & Companions WebRing.

All sites agree to abide by these guidelines with the understanding that these conditions were designed to maintain the standards of the Ring.

These guidelines are subject to change. Members will be notified of any major changes via e-mail. Changes in the guidelines may be originated only by Ring members.

All Friends & Companions sites must be suitable for viewing by children (no profanity or adult content sites). If a site is found to contain such material, it will be immediately removed from the ring. A reapplication would then be required for readmission. All members would be asked to vote on any such readmission.

Friends & Companions sites may nat be used to profane, desercrate, or abuse other members either directly or indirectly. Members are encouraged to notify the Ringmaster when and if they find a site which they believe violates this guideline. At his discretion, the Ringmaster may remove any site violating this guideline. A reapplication would then be required for readmission to the ring. All members would be asked to vote on any such readmission.

The appropriate Friends & Companions HTML codes must be Placed on the applicant's page within 7 days of submitting an application form and must be functional BEFORE being admitted to Web Ring. The appropriate HTML code must remin on the members page for the site to remain in the ring. If it is discovered that a memebr has removed the HTML from their page or disabled it, the site will be removed from the ring

All Friends & Companions Web Ring sites MUST be open to the public. If a site requires any type of membership for access to the Ring page(s), it will not be added to the Ring. If such a restriction is added after the site has been added, the site will be removed from the ring.

The Friends & Companions Web Ring is not a closed ring. It is open to and may be joined by anyone. However, all prospective members must be recomended by a present member. Only one such recomendation is needed and, unless another guideline is violated. Admission is NOT by ballot.

Membership in the Friends & Companions Web Ring does not preclude membership in any other Web Ring unless such membership violates one of the other guidelines. Members are encouraged to join other Web Rings that interest them.

Sites failing to abide by the above guidelines may be removed from Friends & Companions Web Ring at the discretion of the Ringmaster. If at anytime you feel that a Friends & Companions site does not meet up to these guidelines, please notify the Ringmaster.

| Main | HTML | FAQ | Rules |                               | Join | Edit | Random | List |

| IRC Friends | IRC Pics | Mich. Meeting | Texas Fish Caper |
| Wavs | Scripts |
