Dark Matter

(Under Construction)

(Initial concepts to be considered) For galaxies to have formed as a result of the big bang, there had to be enough maass so that gravitation would eventually halt the explosive expansion. This requires a density of about 10 atoms per cubic meter. The density of the universe is expressed by a ratio called Omega. To stop the expansion at infinity requires that omega have a value of 1. Any higher value (more mass) would stop the expansion sooner. The problem here is that the "measured" value of omega is approximately .01-.02. Therefore to stop the expansion requires 98-99% more matter than what can be seen.

To solve this problem, the term "dark matter" was coined. It refers to matter which is essentially invisible. Aditionally, to conform to experiment, dark matter could not be ordinary matter just hidden in a pocket somewhere. It has to be some form of exotic matter. Does it really exist? It hasen`t been found yet. Does it make sense to patch a theory that has such a huge discrepency?

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