Bell Inequality



Consider flipping 3 coins. The sides of the coins are labeled: (A,a), (B,b) and (C,c). There are 8 possible results of flipping the 3 coins:

{A,B,C} {A,B,c} {A,b,C} {A,b,c} {a,B,C} {a,B,c} {a,b,C} {a,b,c}

and the probability of getting any specific one (p(A,B,C) , p(a,b,c), etc,) is 1/8. The letter p stands for probability or chance.

If we dont care what the result of flipping coin {Bb} is, the probability of getting A,C on the other 2 coins is:

p(A,C) = p(A,B,C) + p(A,b,C) = 1/4

Similarly, the probability of getting the B,c combination while ignoring coin {Aa} is:

p(B,c) = p(A,B,c) + p(a,B,c) = 1/4

Therefore the sum of the probabilities is:

p(A,C) + p(B,c) = {p(A,B,C) + p(A,b,C) } + { p(A,B,c) + p(a,B,c)} = 1/2


p(A,B) = p(A,B,C) + p(A,B,c)

We are left with:

p(A,C) + p(B,c) = p(A,B) + p(A,b,C) + p(a,B,c) = 1/2


And since all of these probabilities are positive numbes,

p(A,C) + p(B,c) >= p(A,B)


Finally since the probability p(B,c) is identical to the probability of p(B,C), we arrive at the Bell inequality.

p(A,C) + p(B,C) >= p(A,B)

Test of Bell Inequality


The Bell Inequality for a locally realistic system describing the results of a measurement of the number density of the X and Y components of spin of the particle streams.

n[X+,Y+] <= n[X+,Z+] + n[Y+,Z+]

In this equation, " n[X+,Y+]" signifies the number of particles with spin up along both the X and Y axes.


In a Quantum Mechanical system, the measurments are always correlated and measuring the spin along 1 axis totally randomizes the spin along the other 2 axes.