Wave Text

; ; ; ; ; // adjust the Horizontal msg pos // adjust the Verticle msg pos
{If you can read this, your browser dosen`t support Java.}
I Liked Battlestar Galactica

My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.         Bring Back My Bonnie To Me.

Another relative of the ticker tape applets. Here, the letters undulate in place like waves at the beach. The double buffering technique used in the Cylon Applet is also used here to provide a smoother result. However, some jittering can still be seen from the truncation error arrising from the required use of integers as location pointers

The source (.java) and binary (.class) files are free for the taking. Have fun. If you think of any unusual ways to use them drop me a line.

Wave.class Wave.java


<APPLET code="Wave.class" width=600 height=80 >
<param name=MSG value="My Bonnie Lies Overs the Ocean">
<param name=PauseIn value="1">
<param name=BG_Color value="white">
<param name=FG_Color value="blue">
<param name=FREQUENCY value="2">
            // Adjusts the Wavelength to multiple (1) of the message length
<param name=AMPLITUDE value="3">
            // Adjusts the Amplitude to multiple (3) of the font height
<param name=FONT value="Helvetica">
<param name=STYLE value="1">
<param name=SIZE value="14">
<param name=DeltaH value="0">
<param name=DeltaV value="-20">