Blinking Text

{If you can read this, your browser dosen`t support Java.}
Happy Birthday anyhow!

Another relative of the ticker tape applets. I saw a similar Applet on another page and decided to to try to code one myself. In this Applet it is the words that form the discrete blocks that undergo change. They change in both color and in visibility. As you can see, I pictured this applet being used in a party type atmosphere.

The source (.java) and binary (.class) files are free for the taking. Have fun. If you think of any unusual ways to use them drop me a line.



<APPLET code="Blinking.class" width=600 height=40 >
<param name=FONT value="Helvetica">
<param name=STYLE value="1">
<param name=SIZE value="24">
<param name=MSG value="Happy Birthday to Me">
<param name=BG_Color value="white">
<param name=FG_Color1 value="red">
<param name=FG_Color2 value="blue">
<param name=Blink value="0.4">
<param name=Stay value="0.5">
<param name=DeltaH value="0">
<param name=DeltaV value="7">
<param name=PauseIn value="500">